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Making your money work harder
Just like you need petrol to run a car, money provides you with the means to live your life.
Big purchases, holidays, a wedding, emergency reserves to dip into if out of work … tucking some spare cash aside regularly makes good money sense.
The value of the investment and the income they produce can go down as well as up and you may not get back as much as you put in.
Picture this, you've just landed a cash bonus or been left a sum of money in a will, what saving vehicle will you choose? There's quite a selection, each offering different terms and incentives.

Shopping around to save.
The first question you should ask yourself is; how quickly do you need access to the money? Would you be prepared to forgo instant access for a higher rate of interest?
Talking to a financial adviser will help you:
- decide which saving facilities and features are relevant to you;
- pinpoint what you are saving for and how much you'll need to set aside to reach that goal;
- compare the cost of any debts you have accumulated against the interest you are likely earn in savings
source the most tax efficient savings account.
To discover new ways in which you can make your money work more effectively, contact us today.
Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change.
Tax Planning and Advice on cash deposits is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.